
Massage Therapy

Rejuvenate Your Body and Mind With Our Massage Services

At York Street Spa, we offer a wide range of massage therapies designed to rejuvenate your body and mind. Our experienced massage therapists are dedicated to providing you with a personalized and tranquil experience that promotes relaxation, relieves stress, and enhances overall well-being.

What We Offer

At York Street Spa, we provide a comprehensive range of massage services catering to your needs:

Couples' Massage: Bond and Relax Together

Share a blissful and intimate experience with our Couples' Massage. Enjoy side-by-side massages in a serene and romantic setting, allowing you and your partner to bond and unwind together.

Hot Stone Massage: Melt Away Tension

Indulge in the soothing warmth of Hot Stone Massage. Smooth, heated stones are strategically placed and used in combination with therapeutic massage techniques to melt away tension and promote deep relaxation.



Stress-Fix Massage: Find Tranquility

Our Stress-Fix Massage is designed to help you find tranquility and reduce the effects of daily stress. A blend of Swedish and deep tissue massage techniques, along with the aroma of lavender, lavandin, and clary sage, creates a calming and centering experience.



Aromatherapy Massage: Elevate Your Senses

Elevate your senses with our Aromatherapy Massage. Essential oils are carefully selected to enhance your massage, providing therapeutic benefits while promoting relaxation and balance.



Pregnancy Massage: Nurture Expecting Mothers

Nurture expecting mothers with our Pregnancy Massage. Specially trained therapists provide gentle and effective techniques to relieve the unique discomforts associated with pregnancy, promoting relaxation and well-being for both mother and baby.



Sport Massage: Enhance Athletic Performance

For athletes and active individuals, our Sport Massage is designed to enhance performance, reduce the risk of injury, and aid in recovery. Targeted techniques address specific muscle groups and areas of tension.


Acupressure Massage: Restore Energy Flow

Acupressure Massage utilizes the principles of traditional Chinese medicine to restore the flow of energy in the body. Gentle pressure is applied to specific points along energy pathways, promoting balance and relaxation.



Registered Massage Therapy YSS: Therapeutic Healing

Our Registered Massage Therapy (RMT) services provide therapeutic healing tailored to your individual needs. RMTs are highly trained professionals who use evidence-based techniques to address specific concerns and promote overall well-being.



Non-Registered Massage Therapy: Relaxation and Rejuvenation

Experience relaxation and rejuvenation with our Non-Registered Massage Therapy services. Our skilled therapists provide soothing massages to help you unwind and de-stress.



Whether you’re seeking a tranquil escape, relief from muscle tension, or therapeutic healing, our massage therapies at York Street Spa offer a personalized and rejuvenating experience.